Thursday, October 08, 2009

Free Money - Updated: Detroit Riots For Cash

UPDATED: Chaos reigns at Detroit aid event...Thousands stand in line for help paying bills.

All right, NOW I am pissed. REALLY pissed.

"Thousands of people have lined up Tuesday for a chance at millions of stimulus dollars set aside to help Detroit's homeless and low-income residents."

Low income huh?
"To qualify, a person must have been a resident of Detroit for more than six months, must be homeless or facing eviction and must be able to maintain housing after receiving assistance.

Also, a resident must make 50 percent less than the median area income, which would be less than $24,850 for single Detroit residents and less than $35,500 for a family of four."

1.) How the hell does this address the issue of WHY the person is homeless or facing eviction? Give them money and THEN what? A couple months later they are in the same boat.

2.) $24,850 is low income? Even here in San Diego you could rent a modest apartment, have a modest car payment, eat and live on that easily. EASY. Been there, done that.

3.) How do they know what the money is going to? Anyone else remember after Katrina when the scum bags got their $2,500 debit cards and bought Rolex's, Louis Vuitton bags and cars?

How the hell is this "stimulus"?

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