Monday, November 16, 2009

Dick Cheney For President 2012- Top 10 Slogans

The Draft Dick Cheney movement is gaining momentum!!!! From Good old fashioned hilarity.

Top Ten Cheney 2012 Slogans

10. "Yeah, I'm a compassionate conservative. I let you live, didn't I?"

9. "The Secret Service's new job? Protecting other world leaders from me."

8. "I'll crush all enemies foreign & domestic. Then I'll figure out a goal for Week Two."

7. "I shot a guy in the face and he apologized to me."

6. "Democrats will need Universal Health Care after I'm through with them."

5. "Want to see world leaders bowing? Oh, they'll bow alright."

4. "Do what I say or I'll have my daughter kick your $*%."

3. "On my World Apology Tour, I won't be the one apologizing."

2. "I never had a heart attack. I just stopped it a few times to show it who was boss."

1. "Vote for me. Or not. Like I give a *!#& what you do."

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