Here's a working transcript of Obama's televised State of the Union speech planned for Wednesday evening.
"Good evening peasants. I blame Bush for everything that has occurred in the last year that might possibly make you consider not voting for me in the future. Let me be clear, I am unprecedented. Yes we can! Thank you."
Now, for poops and giggles, don't forget, there is a drinking game to go along with the fun!
How It Works
#1 Take a drink every time Obama blames Bush. References to "prior administration" or "inherited" count.
Online Version: Post "Drink" to your Facebook/Twitter status.
#2 Take a drink every time Obama prefaces a lie with the phrase "Let me be clear". Also every time he says "unprecedented".
Online Version: Post "Drink" to your Facebook/Twitter status. (Joe Wilson "You Lie" is also acceptable)
#3 Yell "Ka-Ching!" every time Obama says the word "Deficit" or references any kind of spending increase, cut or both.
Online Version: Post "Ka-ching!" to your Facebook/Twitter status (and take a moment to hide your wallet).
There's also a Bingo card to use, for maximum fun time!
Good times!