Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Memorial Day- Remember The Pokey's

Yes, I said HAPPY Memorial Day. Why? Because those who died need to be remembered and honored by our living and our celebrating our life here in this still, for now, free country they died to protect.

But I ask everyone to please take some time during he BBQ'ing and drinking and merry making to at least remember WHY we are still free and those who died to protect us.

Take some time folks and remember them. Pray for them. Close your eyes and for a few minutes of your day just think of them and all the gave so you could have the last Monday in May off work to party your ass off.

I will be. Today I walked to my park and spent some time weeding the bed at the foot of the Memorial tree and placed a few flags. And Birdy, my faithful Dalmatian and I just sat there and felt the peace and sent them our love. I hope you can take a few minutes out of your day to do the same.

I would also like to just honor one particular young man who I never met in life but who has come to mean a lot to me.

Dear Pokey,

Thank you so much for your service to our country and your ultimate sacrifice. Through your mom I feel I have come to know the promising, goofy, sweet, caring and fun dear young man you were. You are truly missed by so many, they loved you so and still do and your spirit is with us all. You, your sacrifice is what makes fighting the good fight and wanting this country to succeed and remain strong worth it all.

I promise Pokey to fight the fight however I can and I promise never to forget you or your brothers who sacrificed it all to keep us safe and free.

With all my love,