"The government has now posted 19 consecutive monthly budget deficits, the longest string of shortfalls on record."But that's not enough. Not for our man Obama.
Clearly the staggering record joblessness, unprecedented welfare state, faltering business community, flaming inflation and of course record monthly budget deficits aren't enough for Obama. Now he wants to punish the evil oil companies. You know the ones who helped buy his chair behind the Resolute desk. And the ones who will makes WE the people pay at the pump.
But don't worry Barry's minions are hard at work screwing us all some more, so VERY busy....
"The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held hearings Wednesday on the "Potty Parity Act," a bill that seeks to address the unequal number of restroom facilities for women in federal buildings."Because bathroom equality IS SO MOTHER BLEEPING IMPORTANT!!! Nothing else pressing at this time.