Monday, December 13, 2010

U. S. Marine Corps -Toys for Tots


Well kids it is the SEASON OF GIVING!!!! The only other yearly donation I give beside to my animal causes and Project Valour-IT, is the U.S. Marine Corps Toys For Tots.

Hooked them handsome boys in blue up at the local Wal-Mart this weekend as well as I could this year. Doesn't take much. Buy a Barbie or G.I. Joe at Wal-Mart and donate as you walk out. Easy Peasy. Please, take a moment and donate an unused toy to the Marines TODAY!

Giving VOLUNTARILY is so cool.

On a side note...When you see those Marines at the store over the next week or so...take a damn second out of your oh-so-busy day to freakin' SAY HI!!!!!

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