Thursday, January 20, 2011

Big Brother Is Coming...Obamanet

According to the Washington Times, here are the problems with “ObamaNet”:

* The government will be able to track every web site you visit and every keystroke you send on your home computer.
* The government will be able to track every purchase you make and every deposit and withdrawal, and gain access to your electronic health care records.
* The government will be able to track every blog comment you make, along with every Facebook and Twitter post.
* The government will be able to create lists of your friends and acquaintances and lists of all your political affiliations, political donations, club memberships, hobbies and interests.
* It’s impossible for the government to make this system 100% secure (remember Wikileaks?), meaning criminals would need to steal only one key to unlock a vast amount of your personal and financial information.
Via 12iggymom.

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