Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Lindsay Lohan To Be Charged With Grand Theft

You know I used to like Lohan. In her Disney Days. But the sick, drug addled, eating disorder infested self righteous Hollyweirdian freak she's become....not so much.

One more entitled little Hollywood shit, who thinks the law does not apply to her. Oh but of course innocent until proven and all....

"Prosecutors said Tuesday they plan to charge Lindsay Lohan with felony grand theft of a $2,500 necklace reported stolen from a jewelry store last month — the most serious count the actress has faced in more than three years of trouble with the law.

District Attorney's spokeswoman Jane Robison said the charge will be filed Wednesday. Lohan, 24, is due in court for an arraignment on Wednesday afternoon."
She's a prime example with what's wrong with today's youth. They do the crime and then never the time. I hope this time she has the book thrown at her.

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