Oh wow we will have ships back in the Med....Gadhafi Opponents Are Seen Moving Out of Benghazi; Pentagon Orders Two Warships to Mediterranean....What's the old saying...Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet.
No one gives a crap about Oprah. Oprah Winfrey's new TV channel fails to win viewers...
Some d-bag came over to America from England to infect us all with Measles. Great.
Eric Holder is a race card playing d-bag. Wait that's not news....Eric Holder: Black Panther case focus demeans 'my people'...."Your People" are assholes who stand in front of voting places intimidating people? With billy clubs?
Mike Huckabee calls O'Barry a Kenyan! Laugh Out Loud: Leading Republican claims Barack Obama grew up in Kenya....
England decides to sack 1 in 10 soldiers. So instead of kicking out the government teet sucking muzzie scum...they fire the soldiers. Wow. What a fucking shithole England has become. I see our future.
"Almost the entire contingent of Britain’s 10,000 troops in Afghanistan have been told they could be sacked within months after ministers disclosed plans to get rid of one in 10 members of the Armed Forces."Wow.
Gas prices are SKYROCKETING....buy a horse.
WOW, this time the Navy admits to the test....Navy Conducts Missile Tests Off San Diego....
Charlie Sheen pulled an Obama...Charlie Sheen Offends Disabled Mira Mesa Man....
"In his interview with Good Morning America, Charlie Sheen said of his partying ways, "Man it was epic. The run I was on made Sinatra, Flynn, Jagger, Richards all of 'em just look like droopy eyed armless children."Sheen is such a dick.
Just like Charlie Sheen, Tom Willis is a huge baseball fan. But unlike the actor he has a physical disability. Willis was born without arms and Sheen's comments cut to the core."
What do kids in Pakistan Play after school? THE SUICIDE BOMBER GAME! Good times.
Sexy....House Will Pursue Efforts to Eliminate US Funding for UN Climate Group...
Battle: Los Angeles in BRAZIL....'UFO' Lights Up Brazil Skies...
Government Waste By The Numbers....