Dude REEEEAAAALLLYYY?????? Come on.
A U.S. Postal worker in Maryland boots 3 Christmas carolers from the post office for violating their rules against "solicitation" (HUH?????) OK... I get it. Rules are rules. But the postal worker who went all GRINCH on the singers is quoted, allegedly, as saying, "You can’t go into Congress and sing and you can’t do it here either." Ummm OK...even though Christmas is a SECULAR FEDERAL HOLIDAY for which the U.S. Post Office even offers RELIGIOUS stamps as well as secular ones. And WTF is wrong with a trio singing some fun songs? I sat in line for 20 minutes to mail out Christmas cards today and it would have been a HELLUVA lot more fun if there had been ANY sort of entertainment beside the screaming Chinese family who were trying to box up a beaten up duffel bag.
So....the message....no singing of EVIL OFFICIAL FEDERAL HOLIDAY SONGS on government property!!!!
But if you are JOOOO HATING "palestinians"....then WELCOME TO Portland's PUBLIC...Lincoln High School! SUPER!
Housing, Building Codes, and State-Level Reform
11 hours ago