Saturday, April 14, 2012

Obama The Pimp? Secret Service Gone Wild


Before the president's arrival, an undisclosed number of Secret Service agents were relieved of duty and replaced, said Edwin Donovan, an agency spokesman. "There have been allegations of misconduct made against the Secret Service in Cartagena, Colombia, prior to the president's trip," Donovan said in a statement. "Because of this, those personnel are being relieved of their assignments, returned to their place of duty, and are being replaced by other Secret Service personnel. The Secret Service takes all allegations of misconduct seriously. The allegations involved prostitution, according to Ronald Kessler, a former Washington Post reporter and author of "In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes With Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect." "One of the agents did not pay one of the prostitutes, and she complained to the police," Kessler said. Calling it "clearly the biggest scandal in Secret Service history," Kessler said 12 agents are accused of involvement in the incident "in one degree or another," from allegedly interfering in the investigation to participating in other alleged misconduct."
Only under Obama.