Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Who's The Corporate Stooge?

Doubled since Barry took office huh?

Foreign profits held overseas by U.S. corporations to avoid taxes at home nearly doubled from 2008 to 2013 to top $2.1 trillion, said a private research firm's report, prompting a call for reform by the Senate's top tax law writer.

"The new numbers ... certainly highlight what is one of the key challenges for tax reform. I do think there need to be some reforms in this area," Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden told reporters on Tuesday on Capitol Hill.
Barry loves him some corporations.

The next few days will be spotty guys....my dog is going in for surgery on Thursday and I am FREAKIN out. She's my boo boo baby girl. So bear with me. As for banning people...I only ban the ones who spam the site with thousands of comments or the overt death threats to me and mine. That's been 2 so far.