Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Journey To Nigeria?

I'm sorry three hundred girls were kidnapped by Muzzie scum in Nigeria. I'm sorry that Nigeria apparently can't deal with it themselves. And I'm sorry that the UN as usual won't do a damn thing.

But that being said, why the hell are WE doing anything? What's our jurisdiction there? Why is Obama involving us once again in a foreign war without congressional approval? Not our job, not our business and not our problem. Let Russia or China help. Or even the panty waste in Europe. With all due respect, which is none, Obama, this is NOT our fight. Piss off.

"Obama said the immediate priority is finding the girls, but that the Boko Haram group must also be dealt with. "Obama said the immediate priority is finding the girls, but that the Boko Haram group must also be dealt with".
Yeah douchenozzle, BY NIGERIA. And on a side didn't give a shit about AMERICANS in Benghazi, but girls in Nigeria are a priority. oooookkk.

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