Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Doing my job!

Yesterday I found myself on a street corner (flame away lieblings), waiving a sign and shouting to cars going by in support of my choice for Mayor of San Diego, Jerry Sanders.

I met a lot of really fantastic people, and had a really good time. Actually except for a few brain dead zombies, who felt it was necessary to extend their middle fingers and shout the opposing Mayoral candidates name (Donna Frye), it was a really positive experience.

But, my absolutely favorite part was when I was approached by a young woman who had been getting gas at the station we were located in front of.

She was a bit shy, but she approached me and asked why I was supporting Jerry. I told her. She then asked me why I was not supporting Donna. I told her. She then said, and this is as close to a direct quote as I can get,"Thank you for giving me a direct and honest answer. I asked several Donna supporters why they were voting for her, and most replied that she was "cool" or that she owned a surf shop, or that the "other guy" was a jerk." She then asked if we had any bumper stickers or more buttons, because I had just convinced her who she should vote for.

Made my heart swell. I did it, did what I try to do everyday online, I helped an uniformed voter turn into an informed voter. She made a choice directly because of what I told her.

Now, for you flamers out there, Jerry Sanders is not a "NEO-CON". He's just a good decent guy, with a plan that might actually work.

Wow, yesterday was a wonderful day. And today, when I cast my vote, it felt pretty darn good. I love Election day.

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