Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Dixie Chicks

Looks like the girls have a new album out. Looks like it's not doing so well.

"We're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas." -- Natalie Maines, 2003

I have no problem with the statement itself, as it shows Ms. Maines for the complete gutter snipe she is. What I have a problem with is her, and the Chicks, attitude towards those who are pissed at the statement.

She has a right to make an absurd statement like she did, and people have a right to not listen to her music. Personally, I still listen to the Chicks every once in awhile. They're pretty good. For country.

I like this quote,"I look angry, but I'm angry at the hatred and what it felt like to have that hatred on you."

Hey Natalie, no offense dear, but you reap what you sow.

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