Friday, October 13, 2006

Let's All Take A Moment...

It's Friday the 13th and we should all take a moment out of our busy schedules to laugh at the oddities this world provides for us to mock.


Sweet little Moonbats.

Courtesy of "Freedom Folks", we have this gem.

Next we move on to IN DC Journal, and the classic story of "Moonbats in the Mist". A preview:"In order to carefully observe the moonbats without being spotted and despoiling their natural behavior, we fashioned this oversized moonbat blind, carefully woven from all-natural hemp fiber. If you'd all like to get in, we can begin our surreptitious documentation of the swarm..."

Here we have an actual Moonbat commenting on the term "Moonbat". "...we're being called "moonbats" and we might as well revel in it. We like the moon, and bats are cool, and it's cool to watch bats when the moon is out..." Cheese and Rice.

And last, but certainly not least, we have the Latin name for Moonbat, courtesy of Laudator Temporis Acti: "Putting these all together, we get "macroglossus coprophagus lunaris vespertilio" for "long-tongued poo eating moonbat."

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