Sunday, October 15, 2006

Vomitous Display of Politically Correct B.S.!!!!

British Airways can kiss my ass. Look folks...Look at England.....See them cower, see then pander, see them disappear and see them become an Islamic nation.
WE ARE NEXT!!!!! I mean,their taxi drivers are already demanding Sharia law. I'm a heathen atheist and this one still disgusts me.

"Heathrow check-in worker Nadia Eweida was sent home after refusing to remove her cross, which is smaller than a ten pence piece, she was told it breached BA's dress code.

Miss Eweida, who has an unblemished record during seven years at BA, is suing her employer for religious discrimination after being suspended from work without pay for two weeks.

The airline's uniform code states that staff must not wear visible jewelry or other 'adornments' while on duty without permission from management.

It makes exceptions for Muslim and Sikh minorities by allowing them to wear hijabs and turbans.

Under rules drawn up by BA's 'diversity team' and 'uniform committee', Sikh employees can even wear the traditional iron bangle - even though this would usually be classed as jewelry - while Muslim workers are also allowed prayer breaks during work time." - Source

WTF!!!!!! Someone want to tell me how that's "fair"?

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