I was all set to open up a can of whoop ass on Ann Coulter. She'd gone too far taking dirty swipes at 9/11 widows. "That's really low," was my first instinct. Low, rude, horrible, and frankly disgusting. That was until I saw the light. Ann is frustrated, and she can't find the right words. I feel sorry for her.
I didn't know much about these "Jersey Girls", these four 9/11 widows. So I researched them some. One of the articles I came up with was this one, and it got me thinking.
Are these women any different than Cindy "cry me a river, but only when a photog is around" Sheehan? Even Cindy, somewhere under that infernal annoying sneer, is sad. She misses her son. As these woman, I am sure, miss their husbands. They just have a poor way of showing it. And frankly, you know a lot of it is politically motivated at this point, they are all staunch Dems. All of them.
Cindy, and the women all ask the same question.
The same question, that undoubtedly has Annie girl all fired up.: "We simply wanted to know," Ms. Breitweiser said, by way of explaining the group's position, "why our husbands were killed." Take out husband and replace with son, and you have Sheehan.
Ann thinks this question is unpatriotic, disloyal. It's not. It's a perfectly valid question. But, since Bush wasted a great PR ploy in not facing Ms. Sheehan @ Crawford, and these ladies don't get it either, I'll be happy to supply them all with the answer.
Why did your husbands die? Why did your sons and daughters die? Why have my friends died? Why did over 3000 innocent civilians die on 9/11??????
Muslim fanatics between the ages of 18 and 45 (throw in the occasion teen or youth) bent on killing all infidels took it upon themselves to hijack a bunch of planes and fly them into buildings.
Same types of people that hit the WTC in 1993, the Cole, the embassy bombings, 7/7, 3/11 and if you would turn your attention to the counter on the side bar of this blog, at least 5300+ more atrocities since 9/11. These are the same people who believe in "honor" killings and hanging gays just for being gay. You can bet they support a constitutional ban on gay marriage.
These are the same people who took to the streets and offered up some lovin' in the form of signs that said "Behead those who betray Islam" over some friggin' cartoons. These are the same people who plant IED'S on the sides of roads to kill our soldiers never minding they kill more of their own. These are the same people who behead innocent contractors. These are the people who threw candy in the air and celebrated on 9/11 at the deaths of our countrymen.
Ann: She's just frustrated. As I am. As many of my readers are. We're all frustrated that some people, including these women, who should REALLY GET IT, don't. They still don't get it. Makes you want to beat your head against a brick wall for all the good it will do.
I'm sorry Ann can't find a better way of expressing that to 9/11 widows. That sucks. But I understand her frustration, I feel it everyday.
"Dark Money" and Election Outcomes
3 hours ago