Friday, July 14, 2006

Go Israel

I can't help myself.

"You wanted open war. We are going to open war," Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said in a call to Hizbollah's television.
"Look at it burn," he urged listeners, announcing an attack which set ablaze an Israeli warship that had earlier hit Beirut."

OPEN WAR??? Yes, you scum sucking bottom feeder. It's a lot better than Israelis getting butchered by your ex-Saddam sponsored homicide bombers.

I want Israel to open up a huge ass can of FATAH (thanks Wit) on these murdering sons of goats so bad I can feels it in my toes. I want them to scour this filthy refuse from the face of the earth.

May P.C.B.S. not intervene and ruin this opportunity for Israel to finally answer the abuse that has rained upon them for so long.