Sunday, July 16, 2006

Spin Cycle: Live Blogging

Hezbollahs Leader Speaks:

So the Hez-Bollcoks "Leader" just spun this sh*t so bad, I almost laughed. It's hard because it's so NOT funny, but he was just like that Iraqi dis-information officer in the beginning days of the Iraq conflict,he struck me as hilarious.

Those damn Zionists, they are big 'ol liars. They only target kids and women. Evil Zionists. We are super nice, and we don't go after civilians. No, no we don't we just want peace, but these Zionists won't leave us alone. But, by the way, we have a sh*t load of rockets left, and dammit, we'll use them.

The fact alone that they call them Zionists rather than Israeli's shows their hatred and loathing. Their inability to accept Israel as a viable nation.

This "leader" of Hez-bollocks showed clearly that they are beyond reason. And only confirms to me more clearly Israel's need to clear them out of Lebanon.
