Thursday, July 20, 2006

P.C.B.S. English Style

Now this, made me laugh at first, then I kinda felt like vomiting. What's next, calling Osama "a poor misguided youth"?

In Wolverhampton, England it seems the odious tentacles of P.C.B.S. has finally filled up the proverbial barrel and is has tipeth over.

"The terms "juveniles", "young offenders", "prisoners", "inmates" and "trainees" are no longer considered to be suitable and staff are asked not to use them."

(The warden)"asks them(the staff)to call young offenders 'Mr' or 'young man', or use their first names if possible."

"Warders have been told that under a new Home Office policy they are also not allowed to refer to having to 'feed' the offenders, but must instead 'serve them meals'." -Source

If you could see me now, I am rolling my eyes so far back in my head only the whites show, while simultaneously poking my finger in my mouth making gagging sounds.