Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Solution to the Muzzie Problem

One of my most favorite "commenter's" said something earlier that I believe has some merit.

"Maybe we should start air dropping billions of those little bottles of liquor you get on commercial jets all over the middle east along with all kinds of porn.... straight, gay, lesbian, some sado-masochist crap(they really ought to like that)."

When the English came here to claim this UNOWNED LAND, one thing they did, besides spread horrific communicable diseases amongst the native people, is introduce them to "FIRE WATER".

Now, we all know how that turned out for the Indians.

Who's to say if the muzzies finally got themsleves some good porn, some sweet booze(I'm thinking Don Julio on tap)... ah, the possibilities are endless. These people are repressed. Send Paris Hilton and that Tara Reid chick, teach them the ways.

6 months,tops and WW3 ends.

Then, if we can get Kimmy Kins a job working at a noodle house and teach him to take sake shots,we're set.

Peace on earth. Goodwill toward everyone. Booze will solve all our problems.