Sunday, August 27, 2006

Call me Cindy Sheehan

Nah, just kidding, my tits are way better.

I made a comment,"So,I was thinking I'd go up to the (Mt.Soledad) cross after work and hold up a big sign saying "atheists for the cross".

One of my most favorite commenters said: "People would think you're a saint."

Thanks, but, I am sooooooooooooooooooo, not a saint, and don't want to be one. What I want is for that cross to stay. I know I've advocated getting rid of the ugly piece of crap on many occasions, but now, now, it's the "point" of it.

I'm moving for the next few days. To my home at the base of the cross. I'll be a bit spotty on the updates as comp. time will give way to "settling in"(i.e killing my back lugging sh*t into this townhome from hell).

I'm thinking I should start the fun on Labor Day "weekend".

So, if you see some crazy chick on the news carrying a sign saying "athiests for the cross" on Mt.Soledad, that would be me.

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