This guy,Keith Ellison, embodies the left these days.... He's running for congress in what I like to call, Minnesotistan. Here's his stats:
He wants "peace".(Who doesn't?)
He wants universal healthcare. (Typical lefty.)
He wants troops out of Iraq.(Yawn.)
Now, about Keith.
Here, he addresses a bunch of muzzies, so eloquently,"We are with you. We do these things together, y'all, and we don't let nobody break us apart." Man, I just got goosebumps, that was super powerful. Those "intelligent" Democraps just make me hot!!!
Then you have this.... "Ellison, a 43-year-old criminal defense lawyer who converted to Islam as a college student, overcame questions about late parking tickets, overdue taxes and his past ties to the Nation of Islam."
Nope, no culture of corruption on the left, no sirree Bob. And he's won the primary by quite a bit. SCARY.
Assessing the Nuclear Triad
20 hours ago