Khalid Sheikh Mohammed admits to being a psychotic murdering bastard. He admits to planning assassination attempts on Carter, Clinton, The Pope. He admits he plotted 9/11, was the mastermind behind the Bali bombing/mass murders, he confessed to the beheading of reporter Daniel Pearl. He was involved in planning the 2002 bombing of a Kenya beach resort frequented by Israelis and the failed missile attack on an Israeli passenger jet after it took off from Mombasa, Kenya. I mean this "thing" is the most vile pile of refuse to draw air. ('side from Osama and a few others.)
Then he has the brass cajones to say he was "tortured" by the CIA.
Tell you what Mohammed, if I'd gotten to you first, you'd not even have been given the chance to have a trial, to confess or to draw air. I'd have put a fucking bullet between your eyes, while sipping a nice coastal chardonnay or perhaps a fine bottle of Arrogant Bastard Ale (more fitting) and then I'd have thrown your rotting carcass to a pack of hungry lions. All the while a smile on my lips.
Assessing the Nuclear Triad
4 hours ago