"SAN FRANCISCO(Shocking, I know.) — A nonprofit that runs a national post-abortion telephone talk line has unveiled a series of electronic greeting cards that concerned friends and family can send to a woman after she chooses to terminate a pregnancy.
Women having abortions are calling our line because often they don't have someone to talk to — it's a stigmatized issue," said Aspen Baker, founder and executive director of Oakland-based Exhale. "So the chance to honor and acknowledge someones experience by calling upon something that is within our social practices and social mores seemed important and could go a long way toward supporting people."
WTF?????? Look, I support a right to choose, not so much the actual act of abortion, more the act of the government staying out of our personal lives, but WTF!!!!!!!
"honor and acknowledge someones experience" HONOR?????? HONOR KILLING YOUR FETUS?
"The inspiration for the project came in part from a veteran abortion provider who frequently observed there were no Hallmark cards for abortion,"
Yeah, you think??? Really? No cards to express your support of someone that was too stupid to avoid getting knocked up? I just threw up a little in my mouth. Someone, please, can we give San Francisco to Canada?
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20 hours ago