Look, I'm not an Imus fan. The guy just rubs me the wrong way, but for f*ck sake, who the hell cares? Really. This P.C.B.S. crap has just got to stop. It keeps real racism alive. When you give words like that power you give the person saying them the power as well. The Rutgers ladies would come out on top, as well as the "black activists", had they just said, "What an ass." And dropped it.
I listened to his comments and frankly, while they were a lame attempt for a white guy to pretend he is a hard core gansta, it was just that. Lame. Nothing more, and his groveling and sniveling afterwards makes me sick.
"i love black people but i hate niggas, i wish they let me join the ku klux klan."
-Chris Rock
Now that, is racist.
Government Racial Categories Are (at Best) Pointless
20 hours ago