Edwards, then Obama, have pulled out of televised debates on Fox News. I most are such cowards they are scared of Bill O'Reilly. So I'm reading about Osama over on Politico and then was reading the comments....the leftards are more unhinged than EVER!!!!
Leftard Quotes of the Month:
"Foxis owned and operated by foreign agents, whose goal is to weaken the USA by appealing to the fears of the chickenhawks, those brave keyboarders who wouldn't know an M-16 from the yellow stripes down their backs. You poor wingnuts have been soundly rejected, and the new leadership, like the brave and patriotic Speaker Of The Hpuse Nanacy Pelosi will work tirelessly to fix what you all screwed up royally. Bush and Cheney belong in prison, along with their cabinet members, and real Americans like reid and Pelosi have to clean up the fascist mess."
-Posted By: ronjazz | April 09, 2007 at 05:27 PM (Lestard is that you????)
"Fox "News" Started this war ON AMERICA, not the dems or liberals. It goes back to, "Your either with us or against us." They are waging war on america not iraq. This is a war people. It has been going on for over 80 years. It has been kept quiet until the Bush incompetance. THIS IS A REPUBLICAN WAR THAT HAS BEEN RAGING AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SINCE BEFORE WORLD WAR 1. There is going to be a new world. It's going to be a George Bush's/conservative /facist world or ALL POWER BACK TO THE PEOPLE. One world one people."
- Posted By: rufus1133 | April 09, 2007 at 05:26 PM
Your Body, Their Rules
1 hour ago