Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Arlen Specter: Not Looking Out For Us

One of the most important things we can do as bloggers and AMERICANS is make sure that those we've elected, especially those in our own party do as we bid. WE the people hired these schleps to do a job and it's important we call them on it when they don't.

John Bootie, Presidential candidate for the 2008 election, called to my attention a very, very bad vote by Arlen Specter(R).

"U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship subcommittee, on Wednesday(5/23) introduced an amendment to the immigration bill to close a gaping loophole in the bill that will ensure the following individuals are either permanently barred from the United States or prohibited from getting any immigration benefit: members of terrorist-related organizations, known gang members, sex offenders, alien smugglers who use firearms and felony drunk drivers."

Mr. Bootie called Arlen's office:"I called Arlen Specter's Office and asked how he voted and I was told he voted against John Cornyn's amendment. I ask you mean he voted to allow such convicted Felon's to stay even against the fact they are here Illegally. I was told Yes he voted against it even knowing they were Felon's and here Illegally."

Arlen Specter voted against this amendment that would stop felons, thugs and terrorists from gaining residency.

Bad, bad boy. Call him, write him and tell him what you think of that.

Washington DC Office
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Washington, DC 20510
Tel: 202-224-4254