Before Dawn cracks every morning I roll my ass out of bed and take psycho dotted dog out for her morning "stroll" (more like run/crazy darting/Frisbee frenzy). Yesterday morning as I approached the park there were 3 dudes unloading a car/standing around talking seriously. They "looked Middle Eastern". I'm thinking DUDE, it's like 5:15 am, no one who doesn't own a dog or isn't a dumb ass jogger is out at this time of day. WTF.
They smiled, said HI! and one said,"Cute little doggy." DOGGY? Who the fuck calls 55 pounds of pure dotted muscle "doggy". So I smiled and the one guy approached and Birdy would have NONE OF THAT. She didn't like the guy at all. She is shy with strangers, but she hasn't had that reaction for a couple of months. Weird. I kinda looked at what they were unloading and noticed some boxes, a couple of briefcases etc. And a 12 pack of beer. Definitely too early to be drinking, even for me, I wait till at least noon, in Australia. I went and forgot about it. Last night Husband comes in and said,"Hey we've got some Iranian neighbors now, they've got a little poodle. They seem nice." I asked if it was three guys, he said yes. I asked how Birdy acted he said she was not happy and didn't want to play with their dog. That right there folks is what sketched me out. Birdy will play with anything. A blind, three legged, 13 year old wiener dog will do. She loves poodles, there are two in her class. Her behavior is odd and since when do three dudes stroll together with a little poodle in the afternoon? Positively freakish if you ask me.
So then Chertoff is going off this morning. "Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told the editorial board of The Chicago Tribune that he had a "gut feeling" about a new period of increased risk. ABC News also reported that "new intelligence suggests a small al-Qaida cell is on its way to the United States, or may already be here." (Source)
I've personally known 2 Iranians, sorta. One worked at the liquor store right across the street from 2 of the Sept 11th bombers and was a nice guy. He'd give me free matches when I bought my smokes. The other was an ex-Iranian pilot who hated America, he used to shop at a store I worked in. The guy was a freak. So maybe I'm jaded. I mean Iran has openly declared war on the US of A and is building nukes and acts more retarded than Putin with all his rhetoric and now has re-upped stoning etc.
These guys are probably harmless, and I'm just paranoid. I'm sure.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
My Dog Doesn't Play With Your Iranian Dog
Posted by Unknown at 7/11/2007 08:52:00 AM
Labels: Iran Sucks, Iranian terrorists, park
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