Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Islam Infiltrating English Schools

Having a frickin' blast. Yesterday I took a ride with my father-in-law out to Kent, which is known as the Garden of England. It was frickin' perfect. Went to a pub in the middle of nowhere called Bitter in the Wood. Thought that was appropriate. But it ruined all other pubs for me, it was gorgeous.

Now, my mother-in-law is a teacher at the local school. So, she sees what goes on. And apparently, if you are Islamic, you get one set of rules and everyone else gets another. She has confirmed this. They get prayer time, but when the non-Islamic kids asked for prayer time, they were denied. They spent money out of the budget for prayer mats for the Islamic kids, but run short of funds for school crafts and such.

So pretty much everything you imagine, is confirmed. When I get back and can download piccy's I will show you a little thing I found on their TV channels. It would only fly here, no way would they get away with this at home. The concessions made for Islam here slays me, I worry we are headed in the same direction.

Be nice kids. And I'll post again when I can. Miss everyone.

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