Friday, August 24, 2007

Look Kids Big Ben, Houses Of Parliment

Yesterday in the shitty rain (so very Londonistan-esque), my husband and I walked about some of the most famous places in the world and sucked down delicious pints in as many pubs as we could crawl to. Nah, but we did have a few(one on a Pub/Boat floating on the Thames...bitchin'!) Went to the National Gallery at Trafalgar Square. Seeing Sunflowers from a foot away was awesome in the extreme. It was pissing bloody rain all day, but hey, it's Londanistan, what does one expect.

We did in fact also end up at Big Ben and the Houses of Parliment. Across the street was a park and in the park was about 4 tents and about 8 nut job hippy dipshits with their protest signs in full effect. I of course got pictures which I'll show you all when I get home, but I just about died laughing. In a city of like 12 million people there were maybe, MAYBE 8 whacko's outside the Houses of Parliment. Scary.

My favorite sign was the one that said Gordon Brown is a war criminal. NEWSFLASH hippy idiot, he's been in office what, like 2 weeks. Daaaamn.

Well off to the pub, uh, I mean cafe, update soon!

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