Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I Resemble That Remark!

"Jackson sharply criticized presidential hopeful and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama for “acting like he’s white” in what Jackson said has been a tepid response to six black juveniles’ arrest on attempted-murder charges in Jena, La. Jackson, who also lives in Illinois, endorsed Obama in March, according to The Associated Press.

“If I were a candidate, I’d be all over Jena,” Jackson said after an hour-long speech at Columbia’s historically black Benedict College.

“Jena is a defining moment, just like Selma was a defining moment,” said the iconic civil rights figure, who worked with Martin Luther King Jr. in the 1965 Selma civil rights movement and was with King at his 1968 assassination.

Later, Jackson said he did not recall making the “acting like he’s white” comment about Obama, stressing he only wanted to point out the candidates had not seized on an opportunity to highlight the disproportionate criminal punishments black youths too often face."

Yeah stop acting like your other half Osama.

I'll tell you what, no doubt it appears the 6 black students were taunted and they gave it back as well it appears. But when you beat someone bad enough that they go to the hospital, that's a crime, and they should serve time. Period. Regardless of color.

And to make excuses claiming racism and "it's because they're black" only serves to further divide this country. It's because they beat the crap out of a guy. Mind you the guy probably deserved it, but come on.