Monday, September 24, 2007

It's Here:Ahmadinejad, Darling Of The Leftists

ahmadinejad,iran sucks
"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad left Tehran on Sunday for his third trip to the United States, saying the visit was a good chance to present Iran's solutions for the problems of the world."

Super, this is the man who is quoted as saying he'd like to wipe Israel off the face of the map. This is the man who hangs gays,woman, children and dogs for minor offences;in fact just for existing. The man who insists on insisting that the holocaust is a myth. This is the man we are currently fighting in Iraq and who is supplying the terrorist organizations of Hamas and Hezbollah with weapons and men in Lebanon and elsewhere. This man and his country have been killing our soldiers for decades.

But one of our own universities thinks it's swell to invite him on over, IN NEW YORK, scene of the worst terrorist attack in history, to chat. Absolutely fecking vile and disgusting beyond words and comprehension.

Columbia U's A-hole administration is saying that it's for the purpose of "enlightenment" that they have invited this maniacal dictator over for tea. But I think this kid sums it up pretty well.

"Sam Krevor, a 25-year-old graduate student in environmental engineering, said he's watched some interviews with the Iranian president before.

"I appreciate that the event is happening, but even when he gets hard questions he's not particularly interested in answering them," Krevor said. "I think it's doubtful that the actual event will be that enlightening."

Of course not Sam, the only thing this is serving to do is open the eyes of some who still think there isn't a liberal bias in our universities and in the media.

I am ashamed of my country today, I am ashamed that Bush has allowed this farce to continue. I am ashamed of our media that is giving this madman a platform from which to preach his lies. And mainly I am ashamed that we allow a group such as the UN to remain on our soil. Disgusting.

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