Saturday, October 20, 2007

I Say We Test This Theory

iran sucks, screw iran

"Iran warned on Saturday it would fire off 11,000 rockets at enemy bases within the space of a minute if the United States launched military action against the Islamic republic.

"In the first minute of an invasion by the enemy, 11,000 rockets and cannons would be fired at enemy bases," said a brigadier general in the elite Revolutionary Guards, Mahmoud Chaharbaghi." -Source

1) It would take more than 1 minute to realize that you were under attack.
2) I think that peace through superior firepower has not been practiced enough.
3) Uber cocky Muslim police states should ALL be knocked down a peg or two. And ALL=Iran.
"If a war breaks out in the future, it will not last long because we will rub their noses in the dirt," said Chaharbaghi.

"Now the enemy should ask themselves how many of their people they are ready to have sacrificed for their stupidity in attacking Iran," he said."

Someone is asking for war and frankly, out of the kindness of our hearts, let's give it to 'em. No boots on the ground. Air strikes only. Hit 'em hard so that there is NO QUESTION that any "nuclear capacity" they may have at this point is set back to the stone ages.

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