Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday: Pre Dawn Shopping Extravaganza

After having consumed copious amounts of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie....not to mention a shit load of wine and beer, I fell asleep at maybe 8-ish last night, missed CSI dammit. Food coma in the extreme.

So anyway, that meant I was up at about 4am. After walking the four legged love child for a while and reading the newspaper, I was pretty much bored shitless. So what does one do in the pre-dawn hours the day after Thanksgiving. Well folks, apparently everyone goes to the mall.

I arrived at the local Target at exactly 6 o'clock and thought cool...there's no one here....hee hee hee. Yeah they had the line formed to the left. It was a mile long. It took me and the other stragglers a good 20+ minutes to be let in.

And people were spending folks. Oh holy Hops and Barley they were spending like drunken sailors. If this Target was any indication of the spending for this holiday season, then retailers have nothing to worry about. Plus we all know people are buying gift cards out the ass, and they don't "count".

I scored a 19" LCD HDTV with DVD player for $199.00. I got one that someone had left on the jewelry case. Some asshole stole the $25.00 DVD player out of my cart, asshole; may the Grinch lay eggs in your underwear drawer poo poo caca head. But I scored, scored big. In fact other than stocking stuffers, this girl is done shopping for Christmas.

It was fun. And I will do it again next year, if I'm up.

Hope everyone had a good T Day, now we can concentrate on CHRISTMAS! Merry Christmas to all!