Sunday, November 18, 2007

Libtard Parents: Hey Dad, Your Kid Is An Asshole

So you decide to breed. O.K. When you breed, you produce offspring. You then become their parents. Not their friend. This touchy feely,"let's be friends" mentality that has infected parents these days has got to go. All it is clearly doing is fomenting spoiled, unprepared for the real world, worthless little shits.

Case in point:"A first-grader was suspended Tuesday for drawing a stick figure shooting another in the head with a gun and allegedly threatening students.

Little Butte School officials sent 6-year-old Ryan Weathers home after receiving complaints from parents saying he threatened their children, said Douglas Weathers, the boy's father.

"He's not a violent kid," Weathers said. "He did not mean any harm."

Reeeeeeeeeeeealy. Well when I read the story it becomes clear that the kid is a menace. He not only drew the violent pictures, but threatened many other students. In fact, the little shit also tried to blame the drawing on another student. So he's a liar as well.

Now if it were my kid, I'd have had another reaction. That would have been punishment and apologies and some serious help for a kid that is clearly disturbed.

But no... this guy has the brass balls to bitch about a ONE DAY suspension for a clearly disturbed little boy. I may not have known a lot at 6, but I knew what guns were and I knew what lying was and I knew what hurting other kids was. I was aware.

Had I done what this kid had done my parents most likely would have taken all my toys away, smacked my ass and told the school that ONE DAY wasn't enough.'Cept, I'd have never done it, because I had parents who taught me that that kind of behavior was wrong. They were my parents, not my friends. I feel sorry for the kid.