Saturday, November 17, 2007

S-CHIP: Yup It's Universal Health Care

Ah.....I do like to be vindicated. I love being right, but in some cases, being wrong is preferable. Anyone who has listened to Jenn's Jungle Republic Radio knows that I called bullshit on this one over a month ago and I was right. Sorry.

Via Malkin: "A Hill source sends an audio clip of former Iowa Dem. Governor Tom Vilsack at Drake University on Nov. 16 describing how S-CHIP will help achieve those universal entitlement ends:

“I think there is going to be a commitment to universal coverage. I don’t think it’s necessarily going to be a sector by sector process. I think you either need to go in whole hog or not. We tried to sort of squeeze the middle here with doing children and doing seniors, and trying to squeeze it. If anything happens, it would more likely look something like this: you would extend eligibility for children from 200% of poverty to 300% of poverty, and create resources to insure the parents of those children.”

Damn....well at least this socialist bastard admits it.