Friday, November 16, 2007

More PCBS From The Home Of The Massholes

"The city that's home to Harvard and MIT solidified its nickname as "The People's Republic of Cambridge" when it put a stop to a Boy Scout troop's Election Day drive to collect care packages for American soldiers in Iraq, claiming it was "political."

“We just wanted to make a lot of troops happy,” Scout Patrick O’Connor told the Boston Herald.

The big-hearted Scouts from Cambridge Troop 45 had placed donation boxes at the city's 33 polling stations in hopes of collecting toiletries, magazines, candy and other items after one of O'Connor's relatives was injured in an IED explosion while serving in Iraq.

But someone complained to the city, allegedly claiming the boxes were a “political statement,” and the boxes were removed."

I won't even say what I think of the person that complained. All right, I will, can't resist.

Dear Person Who Complained About Care Packages For Our Troops,

No life must be so dull, that you can actually write your diary one week in advance.

Darwin would NOT be pleased to see how inefficiently evolution sometimes works. Clearly, the full area of your ignorance is not yet mapped. We are presently only exploring the fringes of that vast expanse.

I dislike you extremely and can only hope you contract a vicious venereal disease.

Yours Truly,
Jenn of the Jungle
