Thursday, November 15, 2007

SHOCKING:Iran Not Cooperating With The IAEA

UPDATED:The facts are, Iran is hiding or unwilling to be up front about their nuclear program. Period. That is what the report says. So, how does the MSM headline this story? Let's see.....

Al Reuters:Nuclear report vindicates Iran: Ahmadinejad
L.A. Times:Iran reveals how it built nuclear program, UN says
ABC News:IAEA: Iran Generally Truthful on Nukes
In China....:Iran says IAEA report proves peaceful nature of its nuke program
There are more, the winner for accuracy is actually CNN with the headline:UN losing grip on Iran nuke plan

I am just blown away by this!

"The International Atomic Energy Agency's knowledge of Iran's current nuclear program is "diminishing," the agency's director general reported Thursday, because Iran suspended cooperation in key areas in early 2006 and has not restored it.

The IAEA "is not in a position to provide credible assurances about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities," the agency said in a report issued to its 35 board members in Vienna, Austria.

The report confirmed that Tehran has continued to defy the U.N. Security Council by ignoring its repeated demands to freeze uranium enrichment, a potential pathway to nuclear arms."

That's cool. We don't need to know what a guy who is quoted as saying,"A new Middle East will prevail without the existence of Israel" is doing with his nukes, really. It is so much more important to get a Republiacn fired for foot tapping in the bathroom.