"Dramatic new video shows how American soldiers in Afghanistan are being set up for deadly ambushes after trying to make peace with village elders in Taliban-controlled areas.
The effort to win the "hearts and minds" of village elders in the Korengal Valley of Kunar Province in Afghanistan has proved to be a dangerous one for U.S. troops, with elders often suspected of tipping Taliban fighters to the soldiers' schedule and whereabouts.
The new video shows the men of the 2nd Platoon of Battle Company twice walking into traps after leaving meetings with village elders, one called to discuss details of a U.S.-financed water pipe project."
Now here's what I was talking about the other day on Jenn's Jungle Republic Radio. We give and help and fight and what do we get? A fucking knife in the back.
How do we go about winning the hearts and minds of a people so ingrained to hate us? I mean it starts in infancy with these people; the indoctrination of hate. Hate The West. Hate Women. No booze, no pork, no porn, no freedom, no fun....hate, hate, hate.
When 17 year old girls hate so much they strap on a suicide belt and blow themselves up you've got a problem. When you see tens of thousands of these people rioting in the street torching, maiming and killing, over essentially nothing, you've got a problem. When mullahs preach death to the infidel and advocate wiping entire countries off the face of the planet and the youth embraces their teachings, you've got a problem. When a people preach that Western women are sluts for wearing jeans and t-shirts, and deserve to be raped, you've got a problem. When our elected officials in The West are so scared of a people they bend over backwards so as not to offend them at the expense of offending so many others.
Is it possible to win their hearts and minds?
Perttu v. Richards
13 hours ago