"A leading opponent of plans to build Europe's largest mosque in east London has seen a chilling "obituary" for him posted on the internet.
The film on video-sharing website YouTube is entitled In memory of Councillor Alan Craig and contains pictures of him with his wife and two young daughters.
It was apparently posted in retaliation for his opposition to the mosque."
That's right, all Englanistan needs is to house Europe's largest mosque, to fully makes it's transition to Islamic state.
"Islamic group Tablighi Jamaat wants to open the 12,000-capacity "mega-mosque" in Newham near the main 2012 Olympic site.
The FBI has described the group as "a recruiting ground" for al Qaeda, which it denies.
Shoebomber Richard Reid and 7/7 bombers Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer were members."
Friendly Group. As of this morning, this Abdullah1425 still has a YouTube account. We all know how Google feels about this. Bunch of flippin' moonbats.
NFL 2024 Week 18 Recap
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