Monday, November 05, 2007

Ron Paul: All Sketchy Like

"Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, aided by an extraordinary outpouring of Internet support Monday, hauled in more than $3.5 million in 20 hours."

Come on this circus freak raises that much in 20 hours? WTF?
I found this interesting article here that I realy must quote:
"Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks guaranteed way to get traffic Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul SucksRon Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks Ron Paul SucksRon Paul Sucks Ron Paul SucksRon Paul Sucks Ron Paul Sucks." LOL.

My favorite comment is this one: "How about, "Ron Paul inhales vigorously!"? Classic.

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