Saturday, January 19, 2008

Who's The Best Ass Kisser: Election 08

This election year is going to make everyone on both sides dumber just by having to witness the idiocy being spewed from both sides of the isle. I am still out of town but had to just check in for a moment....

McCain Wins in South Carolina. Why?

Clinton celebrates Nevada win. Why? No really why the fuck is this woman even allowed to run. I want to see the shit in the library now, whatver is left after they had Sandy Burgler hold a shredding party. Someone get Vince Foster, I want to ask him what HE thinks of this.

Romney Wins in Nevada.Dude....I mean

We've got Morons and Liberals galore...but the only man who should have the job....
"Republican presidential candidate Duncan Hunter dropped out of the race for the White House Saturday." What a crying shame.

On top of these disaster results we've got more:
Obama's campaign says Robocalls were dissing his muzzie middle name.

So how do people respond?
"Since I don't know whether Hillary, Edwards, Nader, or the Republicans are responsible for this, I just decided instead to give Obama another $25--i figure every time I hear that middle name I just want to give him another $5.
Posted By: JC | January 19, 2008 at 03:04 PM" Geezus.

Not to mention Bill Clinton whining like a 5 year old about supposed voter suppression.
"Today when my daughter and I were wandering through the hotel, and all these culinary workers were mobbing us telling us they didn’t care what the union told them to do, they were gonna caucus for Hillary.

There was a representative of the organization following along behind us going up to everybody who said that, saying 'if you’re not gonna vote for our guy were gonna give you a schedule tomorrow so you can’t be there.' So, is this the new politics?"

Tell ya what bill you stop whackin' the folks who have dirt on your filthy scum sucking family and we'll all cut ya some slack.

I'll be back tomorrow. Go Chargers!!!(Yeah right.)

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