So everyone knows I have a mentally deficient, cognitively challenged Moonbat who posts here every day.
I think it's interesting to study the pathology of the Moonbaticus Moronicus for scientific purposes. We need to understand what makes them tick so we can defeat them.
Let's look at the Moonbat guano from this evening for example.
In response to my post on the earthquake in China the Moonbat says:
"Jenn files it under "karma is a bitch" as though they deserved it. Listen to her radio show - that's what she said."
Now let's dissect this comment.
Did I say "karma is a bitch" on my show yesterday? Yes. Did I say it in a way that would imply that I thought China deserved an earthquake? No.
In fact my exact words were:
"I have a hard time feeling bad, but this is one of those thing where I can't say Karma is a bitch ain't it." And went on to talk about how horrific earthquakes are.
So in fact Moonbat, that is not at all what I said.
The pathological lying tactics used by Moonbats is one reason why we have Obama poised to be our next President folks. Stay vigilant.
Assessing the Nuclear Triad
8 hours ago