Sunday, May 18, 2008

Soldier Uses Koran For Target Practice

*snicker* * chortle* *guffaw*
I am sure after watching hundreds, no thousands of his fellow soldiers and American citizens die at the hands of men, woman and children who use that book as a weapon, he was just releasing some tension. So he shot a Koran, big whoop, in the grand scheme of life it hardly compares to say, 9/11, 3/11 or 7/7, the endless beheadings, honor killings, genital mutilations, roadside bombs, mortar attacks, missile attacks and.....well you get the point.

But the response from the higher ups in the military is what really disturbs me.

"The incident was first reported by CNN, which broadcast a ceremony at which the top American commander in Baghdad apologized to tribal leaders in Radwaniyah. The military confirmed the details in an e-mailed response to a query.

"I come before you here seeking your forgiveness," Maj. Gen. Jeffery Hammond was quoted as saying. "In the most humble manner I look in your eyes today and I say please forgive me and my soldiers."

The commander also read a letter of apology by the shooter, and another military official kissed a Koran and presented it to the tribal leaders, according to CNN."

WTF????? Kissed the Koran? You've got to be shitting me. A simple, hey that was kinda rude, soldier has been shipped home, end of story, would have MORE than sufficed.

I am....well, speechless.

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