Saturday, May 17, 2008

Obama And His Mother

Straight stolen from Michelle Malkin. This analogy applies across the board to Obama regarding his response not only to Bush's comments the other day but every sling thrown at him. It really rang true to me, this is from Bill Cosby:

"In Junior High in Philadelphia, one of Bill’s bright friends brought a bullet to school and informed them that if you threw a bullet in the furnace, it would explode. So of course, they planned to try that out. They picked shop class to try it out.

They threw the bullet in the furnace and kept hammering, trying not to laugh..tink,tink…tink,tink…BLAM!…tink,tink (snicker)…tink, tink.

The shop teacher was furious, and demanded to know who threw the bullet in the furnace.

Tink,tink (snicker)…tink, tink…

Seeing no answer was forthcoming, this shop teacher tried psychology. He said, “you know, a guy throws a bullet in the furnace, it reflects on his mother.”

Tink, tink.

The shop teacher continues, “A guy’s whose mother would teach him to do something like throw a bullet in the furnace, well, his mother must be pretty awful.”

Somebody whispers, hey, Weird Harold (or whichever character it was), he’s talking about your mother. Tink, tink.

The shop teacher presses on, “I mean, the guy’s mother must be pretty low-down…”

At which point Old Weird Harold jumps up and says “Hey, I didn’t throw no bullet in the furnace! And STOP TALKING ABOUT MY MOTHER!"
Sounds a lot like the Obamessiah.

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