Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Colin Powell To Endorse Obama?


"Sources say former Secretary of State Colin Powell will endorse Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention....

“He may well give a speech at the Democratic convention explaining his endorsement of Obama,”

“This is not an absolute done deal, but these people are very confident that Powell will endorse Obama,” Kristol said, adding that he thinks Powell, a Republican, still has “a high respect” for John McCain, Obama’s Republican rival."

Can someone tell me when exactly Colin Powell became a flaming leftard? Because there is NO WAY IN HELL a REPUBLICAN could endorse Barack Obama. Period.

Obama has zero redeeming value as a politician and in not one single way espouses any type of Republican values or ideals.

Supports letting born alive aborted babies to die.

Would prefer engaging homicidal mad men like Mahmoud Ahmadinejhad over an American news dude like Sean Hannity.

Flip Flops like a IHOP short order cook....On the conflict in Georgia, public financing, the Cuba embargo, decriminalizing weed, on whether or not Iran is a threat. He flipped on the government eavesdropping, on his "16 month plan", on DC's gun ban, why he will not wear the flag pin he now wears???!!!?? Good lord what HASN'T the guy flip flopped on?

His plans would "eviscerate our most advanced defense programs."

His friends read like a virtual who's who of the underworld. Terrorist Bill Ayers. Scum Bag Tony Rezko. Racist hater Rev. Wright. Racist hater Rev Pfleger. Communist Frank Marshall Davis, Rob Malley, Hollyweirdians. And his supporters are worse: Farrakhan, Hamas, Hezbollah, Liberals.

He was voted numero uno Libtard of 2007.

His foreign policy page alone promises: $85 MILLION buckaroos to other countries. Like we don't have enough debt? Check out his "Urban Policy" more dough spent on BS.

I could go on and on and on and on and on....WHAT IS COLIN THINKING???????

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