Monday, September 15, 2008

Vote Barack Because He's Black: UPDATED

Who's playing the race card?

"Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden, campaigning in North Carolina where black votes could help swing the state to the Democrats, said today that electing a black person to the White House would be transformative."

UPDATED: And the leftist race card playing BS takes on a new edge. Michelle Malkin today was basically told to start acting BROWN or risk losing her brown card.

from Leilani Albano
date Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 4:06 PM
subject don’t forget you’re brown

i’ve read your stories throughout the years.

and i have to say, from one pinay journalist to another, you embarrass me and you embarrass our people.

i’m sorry the US media has used you, larry elders and other conservative drones of color to bolster their quota numbers.

what we need are more conscious journalists of color, not just another mainstream token acting as a cheerleader for the conservative right.

hopefully someday, you will find genuine connections with others and see how much damage you have done with your recklessly crafted pieces.

-leilani albano, kpfk radio los angeles

Typical of the left. Do as I say or else!

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