My letter to the editor in response to E.J. Dionne Jr.'s editorial,"The re-emergence of the far right." (San Diego Union Tribune/Washington Post 10/14/08)
The opinion piece by E.J. DIONNE JR. regarding the supposed re-emergence of a lunatic far right made me laugh. I wonder where E.J. has been for the last 8 years while the left in this country have burned effigies of Bush and Cheney while dancing about in drum circles and spewing verbal sewage at troops who work at military recruitment centers. That's when they are not setting up camp in Crawford Texas to harass President Bush, his family and everyone who lives within 50 miles. Slashing tires, throwing pies, advocating assassination, throwing maltov cocktails at people's homes, bodily harm, assaulting police officers, stalking, fake cries of racism. Let's not forget the "peace protesting" they do that often results in veterans being spat upon. I have personally been harassed, bullied and threatened with psychical violence over the years for showing my support for the GOP.
E.J. then goes on to defend Barack Obama's relationship with Ayers, as much of the mainstream media has. If Ayers were the only dirty sock in Obama's laundry basket of bottom dwellers I guess giving him a pass on one terrorist friend would be permissible (HAH). But the guy has an army of lost left socks behind him each worse that the one before. Rezko, Ayers, Pfleger, Wright, Davis....I could go on and on.
Maybe the reason the elitist lefty media is suddenly stunned by masses of "Angry Republicans", is because we're finally angry enough that we're not going to take their candidate protectionism anymore. Barack Obama is the least qualified candidate to ever run for the presidency. His "community organizer" days left scores of people still living in ramshackle asbestos laden ghettos. His grandiose foreign and domestic policies read like a socialist's fantasy. And it's clear he lacks any kind of judgment in picking friends and close advisers, so I can't imagine why we'd want him picking supreme court justices. Not to mention his time working with ACORN which is now under investigation in over 10 states for rampant voter fraud. And let's not forget HIS party is the party of the lowest rated most thoroughly corrupt and worthless Congress in American history.
You bet your bottom dollar we on the right are mad and we're not going to take it anymore.
-Jenn Adlam
Revisiting The Constitution of Liberty
6 hours ago